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Jonathan Conrad Groves – Disguised Hypnosis



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Jonathan Conrad Groves – Disguised Hypnosis

So Just Imagine Having The Personal Power To…

Command more respect in every social environment.

Turn gatekeepers into allies that are willing to open doors for you .

Always come out of a crisis on TOP !

Elevate your social value: get the best jobs and opportunities .

Put an end to the gossip in the next cubicle and stop unfair treatment by your co-workers.

Improve the way you socialize and gain the respect you deserve .

Win over a difficult boss and start gaining better treatment at work.

Extend your personal influence and authority.

Manage the “class systems” in ways to get more of what you want out of life .

Climb the ladder of success more quickly and easily.

Prevent yourself from being manipulated and dominated by others.

Shield your loved ones through difficult times.

Become instinctively aware of the persuasion tricks being played on you.

Fly completely under the radar as you grab the workplace bullies around you by the horns .

Gain tremendous personal power and leverage in unsuspecting times.

Learn from the chameleon and switch your strategies if and when the leadership changes.

“This Is A Covert Persuasion Program on Steroids“

Take a look at the tremendous value you’ll be getting…

SESSION #1 : 1 Hour 3 Min 08 Secs

Disguised Hypnosis – Practical Persuasion Systems

This session covers the nuts and bolts of the persuasion process . You’ll get an immediate understanding of the necessary foundations of covert persuasion. An art cannot survive without the basics, so this is an extremely important session.

Free yourself from the epidemic of “elementary persuasion tactics”.

“The basics” and “Elementary persuasion techniques” are two entirely different things.

Easily gain leverage in your social interactions by playing “The Insurance Game”.

Erase your flaws and mistakes through the secret technique of “Logical Offsetting”.

Use the infamous “View Cycle” to influence people’s opinions and preferences when you need to.

Harness the power of “Salvation Hooks” when damage control is needed to fix a problem in one of your relationships.

Secure higher ground by establishing “Elevated Positions” that will give you increased leverage in ANY social setting.

Employ the “secret” weapon politicians wield to get virtually everyone to go along with anything they want.

Unbelievably Revealed: One guerrilla psychological warfare tactic you can use even if your personal resources are limited.

Unlock the mysteries of the ground (hint: In The Art of War, Sun Tzu said this was one of THE most important principles of victory).

Instantly absorb the foundations of persuasion to build a powerful protocol of persuasion and influence that NO ONE will want to resist because you are creating win/win situations .

Discover an ironclad game – developed by the ancient Chinese – to empower you to influence people with offers they can’t refuse.

Learn an important secret about boundaries: Discover how to defend yourself against how other people alter your boundaries and personal space by progressively distorting your decision making processes.

Session #2 : 58 Min 42 Secs

Group Management Foundations

Managing and controlling groups has tremendous power. Having the ability to influence the minds of other people and have groups at your disposal is far more powerful than almost any covert persuasion technique. Groups are everywhere. Learn how to manage them and you’ll gain power, respect and security.

This session discusses powerful principles of group management. It will help you master the secret art of “group devotion” and help you understand the building blocks of strong relationships. When completed, you’ll gain more control over your social structures and be able to dominate them – at will – so they enrich your life.

Discover the scientific principles that govern relationships. (Attention: To manage groups you must first learn how to manage individuals.) Create a safe haven at your workplace. Empower yourself using group management and multiply your opportunities and job security.

Protect yourself in hostile environments, as you equalize the hostilities of other groups and wield the power of a Group Shield.

Double your hypnosis power by using the ingenious practice of high jacking Groups. (WARNING: It’s vital to stop others from doing this to you.)

Effortlessly skyrocket your social value by using 4 simplistic group management systems guaranteed to send your social value through the roof!

Crack the hierarchy of any group by influencing its chain of command. (With these mind-blowing techniques, groups will be at your disposal when you need them, ready to rally for your cause.)

Learn about Group Wars and how you can win them.

Avoid the pitfalls of Group Management . Groups can give but groups can also take away “IF”: you’re not careful.

Exit Wounds … what they are and how to avoid them. Plus, discover a failsafe way to minimize them.

Three Grand Strategies : These strategies are so powerful and easy to use that managing groups will be as easy as tying your shoelaces.

SESSION #3 : 52 Min 08 Secs

Breeching the Class Systems Through Hypnotic Pressure

Class Systems provide the gateway to what you need. This session uncovers the secrets surrounding class systems. Use this knowledge to begin the process of transferring the power of any class system to your goals and objectives. To open the doors of opportunity and instantly increase your social value, learn how to master “class systems”.

Enlighten your knowledge of social conditioning and use it to impact the persuasion process. Gain a positive advantage that very few people know about.

Establish a domino effect using key allies , (so influential this alone can breech entire class systems).

Create credibility through the power of artificial Class Systems.

Discover the vulnerability of higher class systems. (Hint: Lions are vulnerable when you take them out of the jungle.)

REVEALED: The Mysteries of Hypnotic Pressure. Use the powers of persistence to diminish any resistance getting in your way while you are in the process of achieving your goals.

Discern who the gatekeepers are! When gatekeepers are attached to a Class System, you must pay an extra amount of attention to them.

Transform stubborn Class Systems into stepping stones . (As Machiavelli said: You should use your enemies as a ladder to attain the heights of greatness.)

Know thy enemy . Class systems often get in a person’s way because people don’t fully believe or understand that Class Systems are a part of reality.

Discover the power to generate artificial needs within class systems – needs that only you can satisfy through artificial forms of satisfaction (marketing companies use this principle all the time to create artificial needs for products that only the products they happen to be selling can fulfill).

Let nothing go to waste! Learn how to manage everyone in a class system to your advantage … no matter what their rank is.

Safeguard yourself using the parachute principle. This powerful principle will consistently create security in any group of class systems.

Unleash the unmatched power of the “Obvious” and breech, even overthrow, fancy and sophisticated Class Systems. (Sophisticated class systems often forget how to defend against a basic dose of simplicity.)

SESSION #4 : 1 Hour 5 Min 47 Secs

Passive War: An Introduction to Neutral Strategy

Because people must often fight for the things they want, this session uses the topic of military science to embed powerful and positive behaviors into you that multiply your abilities to thrive in times of conflict. Strategy is an important part of anything you do, and before putting a strategy into motion, it’s always wise to check out other behind-the-scenes persuasion strategies. Strategy has the potential to be very powerful, but its users need to build the proper foundation first for their strategies to be highly effective.

This session deals directly with the science of social strategy . It will help you build a solid foundation and easily integrate strategies within the context of the various persuasive techniques being used.

Strengthen your persuasion abilities through the sciences of social strategy. (Warning: NOT to be taken lightly!)

Transform yourself into a narcotic by developing an addictive personality. Use this hypnotic strategy and people literally will not be able to get enough of you.

Capitalize on the hypnotic power of “selection”. Don’t waste your time on the wrong things . What you “select” as your goal, your hypnosis technique that you select to achieve your goal…the process of “selection” is very important.

REVEALED: The Trojan Horse Strategy! Discover modern day examples of this ancient strategy and unleash one of the most powerful persuasion techniques of all time – A free gift!

Powerful and very persuasive methods of psychological warfare . (Some of the same techniques were used by persuaders in the ancient royal courts.) Amplify your options through the simple art of “switching”.

Turn yourself partially invisible using “Clouding Strategies”. Sometimes the less visible a person is, the less there is of their life that is a target. No one will know where you’re coming from, what you’re doing, or what you plan to do next.

Unearth weaknesses in areas other people believe are strengths (FACT: Some of the most important principles of persuasion are principles that teach us what NOT to do.)

Establish foolproof backup plans through the power of the “secondary”. (If strategic pattern number one shuts down, this will automatically activate strategic pattern number two.)

Discover a very secretive set of strategies that politicians, businesses, and non-profit organizations use every single day to get popularity and gobs of money.

Learn the covert art of managing people who you don’t get along with because you have no choice except to be in their environment (like co-workers who don’t respect you.)

SESSION #5 : 1 Hour 7 Min 01 Secs

Beyond Leverage: The Seven Components of Power

This session goes beyond the topic of power. Here you’ll discover seven components of power and learn exactly how to use them.

You’ll see how to integrate hypnotic power moves using proven persuasion principles … plus how to combine these powerful methods to instantly enhance your status and acquire more out of life.

Personal power in a nutshell … The topic of power can be vast and difficult to grasp. This session clarifies a mysterious century-old formula that successful people have used to make themselves invincible.

Always fight on your terms . Leverage your power to control the timing, situations, and locations of conflicts.

The Art of Disinformation : Thwart your opponents’ aggression with this covert persuasion technique.

Piranha Theory: Discover a handful of little power secrets that most people don’t know exist. Few people know how to harness these little secrets for ultimate power.

Discover the different types of power. Different types of power create different winners. By fully understanding this principle you will level the playing field and have more leverage.

Using your entire body as a weapon… This power mystery that comes from the martial arts teaches you how to use anything and everything to your advantage .

Hypnotic power moves in social settings. (Quickly create your own “recipes of power” with the ingredients found in this mind bending session.)

Discover “The Universal Birth Defect”. Despite what we are taught, no one is born with a silver spoon in their mouth… people just believe they are. Finally gain an upper hand by using power reversals as an equalizer.

Shadow Comprehension. If you follow your shadow it runs from you, but turn your back on it and it pursues you. Learn the entirety of this hypnotic principle in order to multiply your power and influence through unconventional covert hypnosis tactics.

The power of common sense. Let everyone else waste time using fancy techniques to get the things they want while you simply enhance the quality of your life through the timeless principles of common sense.

Bonus Session : 33 Min

The Game: Philosophical Approaches to Seduction

The information in this Audio is condensed and delivered through a philosophical method in order to stimulate your unconscious as you listen to it. This seduction Audio is jam packed with seduction and dating advice. Whether you’re a seasoned pick-up artist or a newbie at using dating advice techniques, this session will improve your game instantly . This means that if you want the most effective dating advice that will produce results – the secrets are right here!

A step by step blueprint for meeting, interacting with, and winning over the EXACT type of women you want.

Discover the “Yellow Knife Strategies” and how to use them to get to know women through the power of simplicity.

The Golden Rule that you must remember when you first start a conversation with a woman. (Knowing this will add value to your game.)

Learn about the science of “opening”. Find out about different types of “openers” and which openers are best to start conversations with women.

A complete breakdown of the OTC model… it’s a dating formula that never fails.

Integrate hypnotic monologues into your conversations with women and cause them to experience positive and comfortable emotions.

Make your hypnotic monologues invincible by chaining them together into chain cycles.

Indulge yourself with some of the most practical dating advice in the world . (This audio is a one of a kind program that quickly became a favorite in the Pick Up Artist Community.)

Discover the advantages and disadvantages of one of the most powerful attention getters known to man… “Haunting the Peripheral”.

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